Utility Incentives

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How to Get Started

  • Determine the utility company in which your project is located.
  • Determine if the projects will be considered a retrofit or new construction.
  • Visit the specific Utility website for all the details. Most have standardized on the MassSave program.
  • Contact the Utility to make sure there are no changes to the program coming soon. You can also verify that the funds are still available (there is only so much money budgeted each year to the rebate programs).
  • Be very careful to read about the specific rebate you are trying to obtain. In many cases the code may have restrictions on many aspects of the project. Some of the most common restrictions are – mounting heights, maximum wattages and customer KW usage.

Boston Light Source can help guide you through the process.  We are familiar with the utility programs and can help you with your next project. Please contact us at 617.788.2400 and we will be glad to help.

Mass Save Lighting Incentive Programs

The Utility Incentives Programs have now been simplified! Most all utilities are using the new Mass Save program including Eversource & NGrid.

The utility incentive programs are constantly changing as new technology is introduced to the market. Make sure to contact the utility to be sure your project will be eligible. This is most important when designing a project that may not be built immediately. 

Energy Star Commercial LED Lighting

Energy Star Light Fixtures

DesignLights Consortium (DLC)

DLC – Qualified Product List


Acuity Brands ES and DLC Search Tool